Consolidated cash flow statement

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SEK millions Apr-Jun 2023 Apr-Jun 2022 Jan-Jun 2023 Jan-Jun 2022
Operating activities        
Operating profit 8.7 5.0 20.9 15.3
Adjustments for non-cash items 10.8 8.6 19.1 15.9
Interest received* 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.5
Interest paid* -3.6 -2.2 -5.6 -3.5
Income tax paid -9.1 -8.9 -9.6 -10.5
Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital* 7.0 2.9 25.4 17.7
Cash flow from changes in working capital        
Increase (-)/Decrease (+) in inventories -2.3 7.6 -9.2 -3.6
Increase (-)/Decrease (+) in operating receivables -2.9 9.6 -28.6 -8.1
Increase (-)/Decrease (+) in operating receivables (guaranteed by EKN) -3.3 -14.5 -3.6 -16.0
Increase (+)/Decrease (-) in operating liabilities 4.9 -13.0 10.4 1.1
Cash flow from operating activities* 3.4 -7.5 -5.6 -8.9
Investing activities        
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment -4.0 -1.6 -5.2 -2.9
Investment in capitalized development expenses -18.3 -20.3 -33.5 -38.2
Cash flow from investing activities -22.3 -21.9 -38.6 -41.0
Financing activities        
Proceeds and (+) repayment (-) of borrowings -2.1 35.0 -6.0 35.0
Increase (+)/Decrease (-) in financial liabilities (EKN financing) 7.3 5.6 6.9 7.0
Increase (+)/Decrease (-) in financial liabilities - 5.4 - 25.8
New share issue - - - -
Costs for new share issue -0.6 - -1.1 -
Repayment of borrowings leasing -3.4 -3.3 -6.6 -6.4
Dividend - -10.7 0.0 -10.7
Cash flow from financing activities 1.2 32.0 -6.9 50.8
Cash flow for the period -17.7 2.7 -51.1 0.8
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 62.6 36.2 96.9 38.2
Exchange differences in cash and cash equivalents 1.0 1.7 0.1 1.5
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 45.9 40.5 45.9 40.5

* The cash flow statement for the second quarter 2022 has been adjusted since it was not summarized correctly. The comparative figures have been recalculated. 

Latest updated: 7/20/2023 3:23:51 PM by