Consolidated statement of changes of equity

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SEK millions Share capital Other contributed capital Translation reserve Retained earnings, incl. profit for the period Total equity  
EQUITY, JANUARY 1, 2021 4.9 202.4 3.1 58.9 269.3  
Comprehensive income for the period            
Profit for the period       6.0 6.0  
Other comprehensive income for the period     9.2   9.2  
Comprehensive income for the period     9.2 6.0 15.3  
Transactions with shareholders            
Warrant programs            
Dividend       -10.7 -10.7  
EQUITY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 4.9 202.4 12.4 54.3 273.9  
EQUITY, JANUARY 1, 2022 4.9 202.4 17.0 71.5 295.7  
Comprehensive income for the period            
Profit for the period       9.8 9.8  
Other comprehensive income for the period     41.5   41.5  
Comprehensive income for the period     41.5 9.8 51.3  
Transactions with shareholders            
Warrant programs            
Dividend       -10.7 -10.7  
EQUITY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 4.9 202.4 58.4 70.6 336.4  


Latest updated: 10/20/2022 6:11:21 PM by Nils Romberg